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Transcriptome and organellar sequencing highlights the complex origin and diversification of allotetraploid Brassica napus
来源: 时间:2019-07-03

Nature Communicationsvolume 10, Article number: 2878 (2019)

Hong An,Xinshuai Qi,Michelle L. Gaynor,Yue Hao,Sarah C. Gebken,Makenzie E. Mabry,Alex C. McAlvay,Graham R. Teakle,Gavin C. Conant,Michael S. Barker,Tingdong Fu,Bin Yi &J. Chris Pires

Brassica napus, an allotetraploid crop, is hypothesized to be a hybrid from unknown varieties of Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea. Despite the economic importance of B. napus, much is unresolved regarding its phylogenomic relationships, genetic structure, and diversification. Here we conduct a comprehensive study among diverse accessions from 183 B. napus (including rapeseed, rutabaga, and Siberian kale), 112 B. rapa, and 62 B. oleracea and its wild relatives. Using RNA-seq of B. napusaccessions, we define the genetic diversity and sub-genome variance of six genetic clusters. Nuclear and organellar phylogenies for B. napus and its progenitors reveal varying patterns of inheritance and post-formation introgression. We discern regions with signatures of selective sweeps and detect 8,187 differentially expressed genes with implications for B. napusdiversification. This study highlights the complex origin and evolution of B. napus providing insights that can further facilitate B. napus breeding and germplasm preservation.
